Modern Performance Management Software

Run impactful performance and 360° reviews to empower your employees to grow, develop, and succeed

What you can do with
One on One Meeting

Define productive agendas of one on one meetings as it helps employees more effectively.


Integrate SMART Goals into performance management to create alignment and drive achievement against top business priorities.

360 Feedback

Support self-reviews, peer reviews, manager reviews, and upward reviews to give you a 360-degree view of your people and the tools to create a fair and unbiased review process.

Continuous Feedback

Support self-reviews, peer reviews, manager reviews, and upward reviews to give you a 360-degree view of your people and the tools to create a fair and unbiased review process.


Performance Management


Performance management is a methodical process that helps individuals or organizations enhance their efficiency and effectiveness by setting objectives, tracking progress, and assessing outcomes. This involves utilizing various tools and systems to measure, analyze, and manage performance across all levels of the organization.

Frequently Ask Questions

Who uses performance management software?

Managers and leadership are the main users of performance management software and loops employees directly into the process of owning their performance and development with goal-tracking and feedback features that they can interact with through the software.

What are the key components of a performance management system?

The main components of a complete performance management system include features for conducting reviews, supplying feedback, and generating reports, with the goal of improving performance through productive communication between employees, managers, and leadership.

What is the performance management process?

A typical performance management process usually flows as follows: conducting reviews, collecting feedback, discussing feedback, creating performance improvement plans, setting and tracking goals, and providing rewards and recognition.

How do I choose a performance management system?

When choosing a performance management system, it’s important to investigate which system will help you easily and efficiently manage performance while having the most impact.

Who runs an employee performance review?

It’s usually the person’s line manager, as they know most about the employee’s role and their current work. In some cases, a leadership group, team leader, or a more senior leader may lead the review or someone from human resources.

Development planning ?

The software should include tools for creating development plans and tracking progress toward career goals. This can help employees stay engaged and motivated by providing a clear path for career advancement.

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